The Inspiration for Creative Countdown
Ever wish you could give a gift that’s never before been given? Here at Creative Countdown, you can do just that!
The idea for Creative Countdown was sparked when Joanie wanted to give Amy and her husband a unique gift while they were awaiting the birth of their child. She thought a personalized countdown would be a fun way to anticipate the big day. After days of scouring the internet, she learned that no such product existed and decided to just put her graphic design experience to work. When she presented that first 'Baby Countdown. A list of things to do before your new baby arrives,’ Amy loved it!
For the following weeks, Amy carried the countdown around with her like her son now carries his favorite blankey, “Blue.” She brought it to her baby shower, the office, and showed everyone how creative her friend was. It wasn’t long before she realized that others were interested in making countdowns of their own and approached Joanie about making it a marketable product. After many late night planning sessions, informal focus groups and reams of recycled paper, Amy and Joanie had a business plan. Since November of 2012, the product line has been growing! Creative Countdown now has flip stand and tear-off options, as well as the ability to email countdowns to large corporate and organizational groups. The custom countdown builder has over a thousand quick-fill suggested entries to common events, such as, weddings, birth of a child, retirement, marathon, graduation, and back to school. In 2013, the partners launched a line of standard countdowns to popular events that can be found online and at select retail locations.
Joanie and Amy make a great team. They’ve had as much fun in the process of creating the products as Amy did discovering and sharing that initial prototype, ‘Baby Countdown.’ Wow. They’ve come a long way baby!