Posted On July 4th, 2014

Recently, as we were having lunch, one of my good friends asked me if I could help her make a Countdown to Graduation calendar for her to give to her daughter for the 15 days leading up to her graduation from high school. It wasn't that she couldn't figure out how to make the calendar herself, she just couldn't figure out how to do it without crying. She wanted me to be part of the process so I could help her have fun with it and "not get so danged mushy!" (Her quote, not mine.)
We filled in the calendar pretty quickly. She, of course, couldn't be bothered with our quick-fill suggested entries. She wanted it to be 100% her. Since I'm all about customization, that was fine with me. It was fun for me watching my friend, who I've always considered quite a tough cookie, get all nostalgic and weepy as she started talking about all the things she wanted to write to her daughter. I'll leave you with her final entry, which she will flip to on her graduation day.....

"Jess, today is your day. I love you and I'm so very proud of you. What a beautiful young lady you've become."
