Posted On September 5th, 2014

Thought we have provided many event types to choose from on our site. We could have never thought up a countdown like the one our most recent customer made.  A read-a-thon for her children while they are on a three week 'track out' from their year-round school.  Thank you to our new friend who has allowed us to share her idea!

This customer challenged her daughters to read at least 30 minutes a day for the 20 days they are on break.  The girls will each be rewarded $1/day for every day they meet the goal.  They will be counting down to their shopping trip to pick out the treat they earned.

My favorite entry was her April 1st entry!  "I know the deal was 30 minutes a day, but starting today, you need to read 2 hours a day to earn your reward. April Fools!"  I love the entries that take into account holidays and special dates within the countdown!
